I loved the last Zebra I did but I wanted to do more of an abstract Zebra. I put the eye off to the side where you're not supposed to and painted the body more to be the center of interest. I like it but again I don't think everyone will.
Arches on Hot Press 140
Linda Schuler's Art
Thank-you for looking at my Blog. The paintings I am showing you are original works of art and they are for sale. Artwork and photographs are copyright protected by U.S. coypright laws. Giclee Prints are $125.00.
Saturday, April 2, 2016
My son and I were driving to the dentist and we both took pictures of this man sitting at a bus stop. I have been wanting to paint a black man with dreadlocks. They were hard to do but I loved this picture and really would like to know his story.
I don't think this is a painting everyone will like because it's not a pretty painting but I love to paint paintings that tell a story and I think this one does.
Watercolor on Arches 140
I don't think this is a painting everyone will like because it's not a pretty painting but I love to paint paintings that tell a story and I think this one does.
Watercolor on Arches 140
I love kids playing at the beach and I think every watercolorist has painted one. Just for that reason I have avoided painting kids on the beach. Well, I was walking and saw this little girl. Loved her pose with the arms extended and took a few pictures of her. I knew the hair would be a challenge so I started there first. For some reason the painting just came together AND I had two hands and two feet to do. I love her hair.
Watercolor on Arches 140
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Papa's Favorite
My Grandfather, Kurt Saupe, was a wonderful man. Came from Germany when he was in his 20's and worked as an engraver for sheet music, a lost art now. He loved carousels and the music they played.
I painted this for my Mother, Betty, who was an only child. She shared his love of the horses who went in circles. I found out that plastic animals are hard to paint to look like a hard plastic surface.
I am so used to painting real horses that this was a challenge.
Watercolor on hot press paper.
I painted this for my Mother, Betty, who was an only child. She shared his love of the horses who went in circles. I found out that plastic animals are hard to paint to look like a hard plastic surface.
I am so used to painting real horses that this was a challenge.
Watercolor on hot press paper.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
African Zebra
My girl friend, Karen has painted two zebra's and they are beautiful. In Florida there are two new ones at the zoo here so I have been wanting to paint one too. The only problem is when you view them you are way above them so you can feed the giraffes. I zoomed in on this one while he was eating his breakfast. I love the pose and the way he turned out, I'm not sure if it is a he or a she!
Watercolor on Arches paper
Just got into Southern Watercolor Society's show, which will be held this year in Nashville. Sold
Watercolor on Arches paper
Just got into Southern Watercolor Society's show, which will be held this year in Nashville. Sold
Friday, June 19, 2015
Mangrove Mania
I love high contrast paintings and this is one of them. The mangroves are plentiful in Florida and I am enamaerd with all things that live in or on the water. The river gives life to an array of birds and animals which I find amazing to be able to share this with them.
This painting is on 140 Arches paper with watercolor.
This painting is on 140 Arches paper with watercolor.
Friday, May 15, 2015
Green Shoe
This is a painting of two children who were in Tibet. It is one of our favorite places to travel to. My husband and I have been twice and he would go again. This was before the train took people in from China which I feel will change it very fast. It's not a pretty painting but I wanted the passion of the people there to come through. I had just finished this when the earthquake hit Katmandu. I so feel for the people who were very welcoming to us.
Watercolor on Arches paper.
Watercolor on Arches paper.
Friday, May 8, 2015
WHAT, Too Bright?
OK, so I was bored. I have a million bird pictures from living in Florida. I didn't want to paint brown pelicans so I got on photoshop and played around. This is what I came up with, well sort of, it never turns out like I think it will because it's watercolor. I love it and it only took two days to paint and that is fast for me.
Arches 140 watercolor paper
Arches 140 watercolor paper
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Christmas Palm
This will be the last time I paint lots of berries. What a tidious job! I had just finished the fishing pier and it was difficult to paint so I thought I would paint something mindless. Not......
Steve and I were walking in our neighborhood and I took this picture. I was in class and being new to Florida said ,"I will have to put this out at Christmas because it is red and green."
Everyone smiled and said," Linda it's called a Christmas Palm! " Oh, did I feel embarrassed.....
Arches 140 Watercolor paper
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Cocoa Beach Pier
This is a picture I took from under Cocoa Beach Pier. Again, I am drawn to water to paint which is not an easy thing to do. You have to put water and paint down on the paper and wait until the paper is just starting to dry and then lift off the paint in the areas you want. It's all about the timing. I was lucky on this one. I painted everything else first and then did the water. If the water didn't happen right the whole painting would be ruined.
This is an oversized painting which I like to do but the framing is so expensive.
Entered this in Central Florida Water color Society and won First Place!
Watercolor on 140 Arches.
This is an oversized painting which I like to do but the framing is so expensive.
Entered this in Central Florida Water color Society and won First Place!
Watercolor on 140 Arches.
Small Boats at Portofino
This is a small fishing village in Italy. I have been there twice now and the only way you can get there is by boat. Ours was a ferry not one of these fishing boats! There is something so soothing watching the water, wondering about all the stories these boats could tell.
I love the water and I never have painted boats before so I thought I would give it a try. It's a small painting but I do think I captured the sense of peacefulness I felt at the time.
Watercolor on 140 Arches
Paris Rooftops
I love traveling with Leslie. We have been to Paris twice together. I think we have seen and done everything Paris has to offer, what a great city.
This painting was from a photo I took while we were having lunch at the Musee d'Orsay. I just snapped a photo of these rooftops and forgot about it till we were home. Later at home I was looking through my photos and thought this one would be a wonderful painting if I taped it on Yupo.
It just won Second place in a show in Melbourne, Florida. That was exciting!
A taped painting on Yupo.
This painting was from a photo I took while we were having lunch at the Musee d'Orsay. I just snapped a photo of these rooftops and forgot about it till we were home. Later at home I was looking through my photos and thought this one would be a wonderful painting if I taped it on Yupo.
It just won Second place in a show in Melbourne, Florida. That was exciting!
A taped painting on Yupo.
Saturday, August 23, 2014
The Eye Of The Horse
I love horses. I loved them when I was a kid and when I was growing up. I loved them all my life. When I married my husband 34 years ago he bought me my first horse. It was a Palomino Quarter Horse with a white mane and tail. I thought I was in Heaven. He had a farm down in the hills of Kentucky. On Sundays we would have our friends and their kids down and have a picnic all day. Good times and such good memories!
I think this is one of my favorite paintings so far. Horses are such wonderful animals.
Watercolor on Arches Watercolor Paper
I think this is one of my favorite paintings so far. Horses are such wonderful animals.
Watercolor on Arches Watercolor Paper
Italian Rooftops
I was in Italy with my friend, Nancy. She had never been on a tour before so we thought we should try one instead of lugging everything with us and getting lost. It turned out to be very nice and the people were great. You know how there is always one person who irritates everyone? Yes, it was me. I was coughing and couldn't sleep because I was coughing and got very sick. Luckily we had ear plugs but Nancy didn't complain at all about me coughing, what a trooper! This picture of my painting is a little pale like I was. Yupo paper done with tape and acrylic.
Orange Purse
I took this picture with an art friend in Paris. It was the first trip we took together and it worked out great. In fact, we are going again in October. We were eating breakfast with four of her friends she always travels with. The girls in this painting were talking and looking at their phones. I just loved the interchange between friends no matter where you are in the world.
This is painted on Yupo paper and done in acrylics and watercolor.
This is painted on Yupo paper and done in acrylics and watercolor.
Monday, November 11, 2013
The Boys-Third in Series
I just had to paint this young man. He straightened his robes for a good five minutes to get them just right for me. He was the most serious of the boys and I hope I caught that. I painted him and I didn't like the background so he sat around for a couple of months. Finally, I got irritated that I couldn't finish the painting, mixed up some gouache and did the background. Yeah finally!!!!
Watercolor on Arches Paper 140
Watercolor on Arches Paper 140
Italy-Cinque Terre
Italy-Cinque Terre
Usually painted in warm earth tones, I chose to paint the hills of the rugged seaside and hilltops in cool vibrate colors. This was a real stretch for me because I instinctively reach for warm colors. I really had to think before I reached for the paint. It was an excellent challenge.
Have you ever been on a trip and there is always one person who drives everyone crazy? Well, unfortunately, it was me this time.
I went with a friend who was so nice about me being sick. I really felt bad for everyone on the trip having to listen to me cough and wondering if they were going to get it too!
Painted on 140 Arches wc paper, Watercolor
Usually painted in warm earth tones, I chose to paint the hills of the rugged seaside and hilltops in cool vibrate colors. This was a real stretch for me because I instinctively reach for warm colors. I really had to think before I reached for the paint. It was an excellent challenge.
Have you ever been on a trip and there is always one person who drives everyone crazy? Well, unfortunately, it was me this time.
I went with a friend who was so nice about me being sick. I really felt bad for everyone on the trip having to listen to me cough and wondering if they were going to get it too!
Painted on 140 Arches wc paper, Watercolor
Saturday, March 16, 2013
The Boy's-Second in Series
The older boy on the left was the groups teacher. He was very serious and took his picture taking serious also. I wish I knew what they were studying but there isn't anyway I would know.
There is a mark on the paper on his right cheek. Looks a little like a scar so we will say that is what it is! I meant to put it there. I love painting these boys because they are so much the same no matter where you live in the world. watercolor on arches paper
There is a mark on the paper on his right cheek. Looks a little like a scar so we will say that is what it is! I meant to put it there. I love painting these boys because they are so much the same no matter where you live in the world. watercolor on arches paper
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Cowboy Boots
I paint paintings for most of my friends if I know what they like. Nancy has been an inspiration to me because of her fun spirit of life and her incredible creativity. She is mostly a fiber artist that runs toward Art Quilts which includes material, found objects, and beads. I asked her husband to send me pictures of something she would want me to paint for her because he is an outstanding photographer. They have been on two incredible trips last year so I thought I would get pictures from their trips or of their yard in the country. He sent me 10-12 pictures of Nancy. It's funny because I wasn't thinking a portrait. Be careful want you ask for!!! So, I have painted this painting of my friend. I hope they like it, I think it fits her personality perfectly.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Streets Of Morocco
I took this photograph when Steven and I were in Medieval Medina, Morocco. What a wonderful place to take photo's. We were there three weeks so we saw a lot the country. The best picture I have is a tree full of goats eating nuts with camels trying to compete with them. If I painted the picture no one would believe it! My Mom thought I photo shop it. This is painted on Yupo with acrylics, I think I have every color I own in the painting.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
The Boys-Bhutanese Monks
140 arches wc paper-watercolor and gesso
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Home From College
Collage, watercolor on Arches 140 paper.
The Men's Club
acrylic drips and water color on Arches 140 paper
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

This is painted on Yupo Paper and done with acrylics .
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Festival In The Desert

Watercolor-140 paper
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Bathing Beauty 3
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011
Studio G

Sunday, February 27, 2011
Judy's Coconuts

Thursday, November 18, 2010
Old Country House
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010
The Bad Boy
Saturday, August 7, 2010

We were in India at the time this picture was taken. Away from the crowds on this beautiful lake, we sat there for a long time just taking in the quiet, the lapping of the waves along the banks, the far off sound of people, and the birds that were nesting close by. It was a wonderful moment in time. Moonlit is painted on arches 140 WC paper with gesso. The blues and greens were painted on and dried. Instead of putting on paint I took it off as the picture progressed. It seems odd but I like the feeling it gave the painting. Watercolor and Gesso
Dave's Murphy

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
This is an abstract that my daughter likes and wants me to give to her. I am glad she is twenty five years old and likes her mother's paintings. This painting has a lot of layers and is painted in acrylics. I seem to like circles right now. There is a lot of texture and it looks very crusty. Abstracts are hard to define, for me they come from within, and are hard to explain why it turns out the way it does. Acrylics
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Josh is my nephew. He is in college and has his first new apartment. He likes my abstracts so I asked him if he wanted to come over and I would show him how to paint one. He jumped right in and did everything I suggested. I thought he was really brave and talented. For someone who has never held a brush in his hand he did exceeding well. It was a lot of fun and I 'm not a teacher so I didn't know how it was going to go. Any time Josh! Acrylics and papercollage
Monday, March 1, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010
Are We There Yet?
I have a hard time coming up with names for my paintings. Are We There Yet?, Five O'Clock Traffic, Taking The Long Way Home, are some of the choices I thought about. Do you have trouble with this? I try to keep a book and log titles in it which are good for my abstracts. I haven't been painting much, life gets in the way but I hope I can paint more soon. This picture was taken in India. It was hot and dusty and life just seems to move a little slower there. I try to remember that so I can take my time and enjoy my life. Watercolor
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Junk Yard Bus
Moment Of Prayer
This was such a wonderful temple. It was full of smoke from the incense. Lots of different size pots and tables for people to make a wish or pray to Budda. There were not very many tourists there which was nice. I took this picture of the smoke and the incense to capture the moment but when I looked at my pictures I really liked this women in it. We were in Cambodia at the time. Watercolor
Sunny Day In Italy

This was a great trip. I fell in love with Italy. The weather was perfect, around 70 degrees. I went on a painting trip with Steve and Janet Rogers. Everyday we had around 15 artists painting together. When you woke up in the morning and looked outside , off your balcony , you saw the lake with the Swiss mountains in the background . I would love to go back! Watercolor
Tibetan Door

Early Morning
What a fun morning this was! We had dropped my daughter off at school in Colorado, I was crying all the way to Oregon. My husband and I drove up the coast and stayed in this fishing village. We were up really early and heard this awful sound over by the water. The fisherman were cleaning fish and feeding the seals. So of course I took pictures. This photogrph was a conbination of three pictures. Watercolor
The Water Market

Sharing Lunch

Camel Festival In Puskar, India
Thai Guy

This is my very first original watercolor. I took the picture in Thailand while I was taking classes making baskets out of bamboo. I used wax and very thin paper. I love this photograph and I have never again been able to get this close to someone picking rice and planting it. What a backbreaking job! Watercolor Batik on Rice Paper
A Sunny Day In Italy II
Lummi With A Humpy
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